Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Personal Camera

It's amazing what this camera can do on command...

Julia Grant's Statue, overlooking Galena

The VFW sign... at night, of course.

Cadillac Trunk and Street Light

It's amazing how personal a camera can be.  In the few days I've had it (just a week from today) and I'm still in awe.  This one is quite complex.

However, at least I managed to figure out which functions I like to use, check out or control often enough, so I transferred to "My Menu" already.  I want to have control over the photographs (Picture Control), the energy level (Battery control and order), and Image Extension (to pick between using FX and DX).  Other things I changed from day one were the annoying buzz (turned off), the focus-assist light (off) and the on-demand grid lines in the viewfinder (turned on). 

Now... if I only could figure out how to "warm" some of the high ISO shots I've taken under tungsten light with Auto WB...

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