Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Shipped at last!

My Nikon D700 has been shipped at last!  After an anxious weekend and an ugly Monday (the store website didn't show anything about my order except that it was "processing"), now I got an e-mail from us1photo.com telling me the camera was sent out my way. 

Funny... last night I was so upset I decided to call them, cancel my order, and buy the camera from B&H instead. Maybe I should have done that in the beginning... Hmmm... Lesson learned.

Let's spend some time scanning, writing stuff, reading the D700 manual, whatever it takes to kill time.

Friends from Argentina during the 2006 Cornfest in DeKalb IL (Nikon F100, AF-S 24-85, SB-30)

Frances (my wife) and friends at the 2006 Cornfest (same, same)

Ferris wheel operators (I owe them a print of this photograph!  Same gear)

Of course they're OOF!  I used the slow synchronization with the flash!  For some reason, I forgot I had set it that way... and while I got the background (dark) nicely exposed, the scans are despicable and people moved while the shutter was open.  But... I like them.  That's it. 

More to come while the other thing comes! (I know, I'm bad at puns)

1 comment:

Francisco Solares-Larrave said...

Thanks, Eddy. Those were taken with a film camera and laboriously scanned into their shape, so I do appreciate your note.